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- Public Collections
Recent Public Collections by Ashmara
Cells and Their Functions
This collection includes resources exploring cells and their functions.
From the structure and function of organelles to communication on a molecular level, the materials found in this collection explore the inner-most workings of cells in a dynamic. Includes in this collection are books and journal articles, live webinars, and do it yourself learning activities. These resources can be used for teacher or students for continued learning of cells functions. Some of the resources found in this collection includes best practices and activities that would engage students and enhance their learning.
14 Resources
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- Forum Posts
Recent Posts by Ashmara
Mon, Mar 09, 2015 11:50 PM in Student Teachers and Science
Hi Brittany,
I, myself am also a pre-service teacher. Unfortunately, as you mentioned, I rarely see a large focus on content area science disciplines. You mentioned you were trying to create an integrated lesson plan for a small group of students. What is the learning goal? What would you like the students to know at the end of the lesson?
Hope I can help!
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Mon, Mar 09, 2015 11:44 PM in Free 1st Grade Science Sites??
The Science Explorer is a great website that has a number of science activities. Site visitors can investigate interesting and unusual scientific topics. This is a fun-filled science site that explores energy and other basic scientific principles.
This site has science projects for kids, science articles a...
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- Reviews
Recent Reviews by Ashmara
Insects Collection
Tue, Apr 21, 2015 9:46 AM
Insect Investigations
This is a great collection that consists of many resources about insects. It includes numerous book chapters and journal articles that provides users with basics about insects. In the variety of book chapters, students learn about insect migration, describe their migration challenges, and describe migration as a regular seasonal movement of many insects. Also included in the collection are journal articles which answers many questions about insects like, How do insects help the environment? and How do insects survive in the winter? This collection resource is also useful at it addresses misconceptions about insects that students may have. This is a great collection because it provides teachers with hands-on inquiry based activities that could be used in the classroom to help students gain better conceptual knowledge about insects.
Insects Collection
Tue, Apr 21, 2015 9:45 AM
Insect Investigations
This is a great collection that consists of many resources about insects. It includes numerous book chapters and journal articles that provides users with basics about insects. In the variety of book chapters, students learn about insect migration, describe their migration challenges, and describe migration as a regular seasonal movement of many insects. Also included in the collection are journal articles which answers many questions about insects like, How do insects help the environment? and How do insects survive in the winter? This collection resource is also useful at it addresses misconceptions about insects that students may have. This is a great collection because it provides teachers with hands-on inquiry based activities that could be used in the classroom to help students gain better conceptual knowledge about insects.
Insects Collection
Tue, Apr 21, 2015 9:45 AM
Insect Investigations
This is a great collection that consists of many resources about insects. It includes numerous book chapters and journal articles that provides users with basics about insects. In the variety of book chapters, students learn about insect migration, describe their migration challenges, and describe migration as a regular seasonal movement of many insects. Also included in the collection are journal articles which answers many questions about insects like, How do insects help the environment? and How do insects survive in the winter? This collection resource is also useful at it addresses misconceptions about insects that students may have. This is a great collection because it provides teachers with hands-on inquiry based activities that could be used in the classroom to help students gain better conceptual knowledge about insects.
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