Wed, Jul 06, 2016 11:22 AM in Assessing Science
What I like to do to help those that struggled with certain standards/concepts is to have a re-teach/enrich day every couple weeks. This way, I can group my students according to their needs. I can remediate with that small group that needs help while the students that do not need remediation can work on an enrichment activity dealing with the same standard. This way they leave with the...
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Wed, Jul 06, 2016 11:15 AM in assessing students
Thanks for this find! I'm definitely adding this to my library. The idea of a blog is awesome! I have noticed that many of my kids did not like to write, but if they get to use a computer they are open to whatever the assignment is. This way, you can assess their understanding based on what is written in their blog, and they get to be as creative as they want with it.
Thank you!
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