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Recent Posts by Gabriella
Sun, Jan 19, 2020 10:12 PM in Engaging students
Hey, I work with a younger age group but I think my advice will still apply. I think the best way to keep your students engaged is to make games out of the words. Let them learn the information with you and have them apply it to real-life scenarios, even try some experiments and introduce the words that way. This helps have the students associate the words to the experiment and learn to connect t...
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- Reviews
Recent Reviews by Gabriella
Thu, Sep 24, 2020 6:04 PM
Great Resource!
I love this article it rexplains the importance of trying out multiple scientific investigations. This is a great tool to look back and read to understand that you have to teach that their is no one way to find the solution to every problem. Being a scientist means to fail and try again. This article goes over that and more ! LOVE LOVE LOVE this article!
Sun, Aug 30, 2020 8:45 PM
Make it real- Gabby R.
I really enjoyed this article for it has a lot of ways to engage students with how sound works. My favorite activity was hearing high and low pitch noises using straws. This was super helpful when I did this in class to understand how pitch works. I learned how important it is to make learning science fun by doing activities that make it real to them. I can spit facts about how pitch works and have them write it down or we could do an experiment to see how it works. This experiment walks you through, how to teach it and the product it should form.
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