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Recent Reviews by Megan
Wed, Aug 12, 2020 9:32 AM
Optimizing learning environments with technology
This is an amazing resource that guides teachers towards assistive technology resources. As an inclusion teacher, this is something that I am very aware of, especially if my students have hearing impairments. I love how this article lists out easy ways to accommodate students by making simple adjustments to technology already found in the classroom. I am planning on checking out the resources that have been provided in this article and I am very grateful to have found this article!
Wed, Aug 12, 2020 9:16 AM
Using technology for virtual lerarning
This article provides great examples of how technology can be used for virtual experiments. This is especially important to consider during this time where students are doing remote distance learning. I love how this article clearly defined the learning targets of the virtual experiments and what students are expected to walk away with afterwards. In addition, I love how there are activity sheets that include tables and clear instructions incorporated into the article. Overall, great resource and I'm looking forward to using!
Wed, Aug 12, 2020 8:59 AM
Great way to incorporate computational thinking
I really love how this book lists out easy ways for teachers to incorporate computational thinking into lesson plans. It is really important that technology is being used to supplement the learning and not turning into the actual focus of the lesson. In addition, it is also helpful to note that simulations will facilitate the learning, but will have limitations. They are simple models of the real world and are used as a tool to present natural phenomena; however, they do have their limitations and I like how this resource guides teachers how to present simulations to their students. Overall, I really love this book and I'm hoping to incorporate some of the strategies into my own classroom this year as we use simulations for phase change and chemical reactions.
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