Fri, May 01, 2020 10:48 PM in NSTA Daily Do!
As a future teacher looking through Daily Do, it seems to be a great resource students. It can be used by students to learn concepts at home with their family. It is nice that everything is written out and the questions are given to help through investigations.
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Fri, May 01, 2020 10:41 PM in Citizen Science
This was interesting to me because I have not heard of citizen science. The books and resources given in the blog post would be very helpful to engage kids in citizen science. It is awesome that citizen science gives families a way to learn about science in a setting outside of school.
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Fri, May 01, 2020 5:08 PM in Classroom Setup
Hi, I am not currently a teacher but am a senior in college that has been in many classrooms through field experiences. The most effective seating arrangement I have seen to promot group work is aroundf 4 students that face eachother. I have also seen desk groupings of 3-5 that all face the front. This worked for some students but did not lead to as much collaboration between students.
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