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Mon, Apr 24, 2017 2:22 AM in Teaching Mitosis and Meiosis
What would be the best way to teach mitosis and meiosis to students? I have seen different activities out there such as using gummy worms to represent chromosomes in different phases but am wondering if anyone knows of any other activities that will help students grasp the concepts of mitosis and meiosis while still being entertaining for the students.
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Mon, Apr 24, 2017 2:17 AM in First Day of School Science Activities
One of the most memorable science demonstrations that I recall was in my chemistry class, where on the first day, my teacher showed the burning of different substances to get the flame to show different colors, such as purple or green. This was a great way to capture the students attention and get them interested in the subject.
Another suggestions is to do activities that will both get stu...
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