Sat, Nov 29, 2014 6:15 PM in Ipads and other technology
I think technology is a great tool to incorporate into all types of lessons. It can grab the students' attention and they can learn from it. In regard, to ipads you just have find the right types of apps and resources. Good apps will help the students learn and will not just distract them. If the main focus of the app or website is to learn something then it will not distract the students from tha...
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Sat, Nov 29, 2014 6:14 PM in Ipads and other technology
I think technology is a great tool to incorporate into all types of lessons. It can grab the students' attention and they can learn from it. In regard, to ipads you just have find the right types of apps and resources. Good apps will help the students learn and will not just distract them. If the main focus of the app or website is to learn something then it will not distract the students from tha...
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Sat, Nov 29, 2014 3:38 PM in Science Is Only An Elective (At Our School)
I also think that you should try to integrate science into another subject such as into a reading or writing block. There are lots of great science trade books that you could incorporate to teach science and reading.
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