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Sun, Nov 22, 2015 4:01 PM in Solar System activités
I would teach younger students first the order of the planets and have them start from there. The planets in terms of the color and the properties is still quite difficult for them to understand. You can even start by having them learn the order from closest to the sun to furthest. Once that has been established its easier for the students to add to their knowledge about planets. Startin...
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Sun, Nov 22, 2015 3:57 PM in Beginning a science lesson
I feel the best way to start a science lesson would be to have an engaging activity. I feel a hands on activity would be a great way to start any lesson since it has the students using all their senses to experiment. You can have the activity in or outside of the classroom to get them motivated to start learning. I feel the best way to learn is through hand on experiences and as long as...
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Recent Reviews by Ruth
Recycling Collection
Wed, Nov 25, 2015 9:24 PM
I first opened the external source and it was the water consumption humans use every day. It made me reflect about how much water is being used daily and how there is now methods to re use these types of water. This was the first time I was ever introduced with the fact water could be recycled. I thought this was very useful since not a lot of people know that water can be reused and there is methods to recycle even water. The next article was about how repurpose materials use all over the class. In other words how to recycle certain products in the class to use again. I really loved how she included this article because at times for a teacher materials can be very expensive and sometimes its easier to manage the resources we already have to make new things. I also enjoyed seeing a seeing object based on the use of resources and the human impact. I feel this is so important because some students may not know how we really have an impact on this world. It shows multiple solutions for example using wind and solar power. One of the last articles also taught me how the same students were thinking of ways to recycle. In this journal students even started a letter campaign which i thought was very interesting to see. Overall I thought this was a great collection. It was very useful for the topic of recycling and it provided alot of variety in the sources. Great job!
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