Tue, Jul 12, 2016 5:38 PM in Gradeless
I teach Biology to 10th graders, and this year I am attempting to go
gradeless, or as close to it as I can get. Obviously, there will be a grade
at the end of the term, but I will not put a number or letter grade on
anything, simply provide feedback and what they have mastered, and where
they still have room for improvement.
We will also be doing both short and long term projects, that should...
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Sat, Aug 08, 2015 1:19 PM in Animals in the classroom?
I have multiple pets and differing solutions for summer.
I have an African Grey parrot, she comes home with me every night and during the summer, so that is easy.
I have several small fish tanks and terrariums and plants. I can usually take care of them every other day or so. I also have one of the custodians who helps me out. I placed a piece of paper on the counter and indicate the date they...
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Sat, Aug 08, 2015 1:15 PM in Animals in the classroom?
School is getting ready to start here in Missouri, and insects and other small animals are starting to show up. I try to use them as opportunities to teach the students. Found a male praying mantis we now have, looking for a female. Within reason, I think animals in the classroom are a very important aspect of student learning.
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