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Recent Reviews by Julia
Tue, Nov 08, 2022 6:00 PM
Helpful ELL Strategies
The article explains four different GLAD (Guided Language Acquistion Design) teaching strategies. The strategies are pictorial input, picture file cards, poster boards, and ear-to-ear reading. I enjoyed the layout of this article and how the author provided real examples of the strategies being used. The pictures that go along with the article were also beneficial for the readers understanding. The article can help teach science to ELL's better due to the strategies outlined in the article. The picture file cards are a great strategy to bring into any lesson because students can talk in their native languages while discussing the photos. This is mainly done in small groups do the anxiety of speaking in front the whole class is eliminated. The article does not talk about how to assess NGSS but it does hit many key aspects of the three dimensions. Crosscutting is established in many of the strategies. Drawing pictures, making poster boards, and reading aloud all cut into different subjects like the arts and language arts. Lastly, in my opinion that article does not have any shortfalls.
Tue, Nov 08, 2022 6:00 PM
Helpful ELL Strategies
The article explains four different GLAD (Guided Language Acquistion Design) teaching strategies. The strategies are pictorial input, picture file cards, poster boards, and ear-to-ear reading. I enjoyed the layout of this article and how the author provided real examples of the strategies being used. The pictures that go along with the article were also beneficial for the readers understanding. The article can help teach science to ELL's better due to the strategies outlined in the article. The picture file cards are a great strategy to bring into any lesson because students can talk in their native languages while discussing the photos. This is mainly done in small groups do the anxiety of speaking in front the whole class is eliminated. The article does not talk about how to assess NGSS but it does hit many key aspects of the three dimensions. Crosscutting is established in many of the strategies. Drawing pictures, making poster boards, and reading aloud all cut into different subjects like the arts and language arts. Lastly, in my opinion that article does not have any shortfalls.
Tue, Nov 08, 2022 5:59 PM
Helpful ELL Strategies
The article explains four different GLAD (Guided Language Acquistion Design) teaching strategies. The strategies are pictorial input, picture file cards, poster boards, and ear-to-ear reading. I enjoyed the layout of this article and how the author provided real examples of the strategies being used. The pictures that go along with the article were also beneficial for the readers understanding. The article can help teach science to ELL's better due to the strategies outlined in the article. The picture file cards are a great strategy to bring into any lesson because students can talk in their native languages while discussing the photos. This is mainly done in small groups do the anxiety of speaking in front the whole class is eliminated. The article does not talk about how to assess NGSS but it does hit many key aspects of the three dimensions. Crosscutting is established in many of the strategies. Drawing pictures, making poster boards, and reading aloud all cut into different subjects like the arts and language arts. Lastly, in my opinion that article does not have any shortfalls.
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