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Sun, Sep 18, 2022 10:31 PM in Overcoming fears about teaching science?
Hi everyone,
Science is the subject that intimidates me the most since I can recall. There are parts of science that I love and find so fascinating but other parts I find so hard to understand. What can I do as a future teacher to overcome these anxious feelings about teaching science? I want to be 100% ready to teach science to ensure the success of my future students.
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Sun, Sep 18, 2022 10:18 PM in Core and PPR Exams
Hello Valeria,
I am also studying for the Core Exam and the PPR, and so far it's so hard to find time to study. I'm currently using 240 tutoring and EZ turoting by James Owings. I've been keeping a jorunal where I write down notes for each exam, for example for the content exam I'm using a five subject notebook.
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