Tue, Jan 14, 2020 3:52 PM in introducing new concept to students
Hi Gabriella!
I am a preservice teacher at UNI and have learned that the best way to introduce a topic is to have start with a phenomena. Find something that will get the kids excited and see what they already know about the topic. Then base the information you want to teach off of what they already know.
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Tue, Jan 14, 2020 2:15 PM in Creating a lesson for children with mental disabilities
Hi Tamera!
I am currently attending UNI and have had a lot of experience with children that have differnt disabilities. With children that are non verbal, I try to first find out what their personal way of communicating is. Some have devices, some point or use sign language, some use pictures or charts and others have their own special way of communicating. Once you figure out what that specif...
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Tue, Jan 14, 2020 2:09 PM in Gardening
Hi Francesca!
I am a pre service teacher in Iowa and grew up in Chicago so most of the gardening I have seen in schools are indoors. I have experienced both floral and vegetable, but mostly floral. I have never seen this be a year long project, maybe a month or two at the most. The things being planted are often chosen by how long it takes them to grow to the point you want them to in the clas...
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