Safety Is Elementary Collection
Thu, Nov 21, 2019 11:54 AM
Safety Is Elementary Collection by Dr. Kathy Sparrow. November 21, 2019.
This collection provides educators with information regarding safety within their classrooms. What is great about these articles is that they apply to all classrooms, in general. Many of the resources found in this collection can help educators create classroom rules and even safety contracts. One of the most important lessons I learned from these articles is that the first lesson you should teach your students is “safety.” During their first day of class is when the teacher should introduce the classroom rules and safety regulations. In other words, safety lessons should not only be taught before conducting experiments. As teachers, it is our job to create a safe learning environment for our students. Without the enforcing safety rules and regulations, the teacher and students will be at risk of dangerous situations. Securing safety within the classroom not only reduces the chances of emergencies but most importantly, it creates a safe and healthy learning environment for the students. Students will most likely learn best in an organized and welcoming environment. Even though reviewing safety with students can help reduce accidents within the classroom, the lessons do not have to be limited to the classroom instruction/environment. For example, we can teach personal safety, safety in the environment, exercising safety, etc. We want our students to use what they learned about safety throughout their life. For more information of safety, one can read the following articles to learn more about safety procedures, safety materials/equipment, and behavior management within the classroom.