Mon, Sep 23, 2013 6:58 AM in Variables
You can have them relate this to school. If you wanted to improve your grades (the dependent variable because your grade depends on what your do) what are all the things you can do, the inputs or independent variables you can alter such as studying, doing your homework, etc.?
You can have the same discussion about sports or learning to drive depending on the age of your group.
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Mon, Sep 23, 2013 6:53 AM in Flash cards
One way is once they have the cards have them draw two from the stack randomly and then come up with a description of how those two cards are wither related or unrelated. Not sure AP Bio needs to do this or not.
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Mon, Sep 23, 2013 6:50 AM in Lab Notebooks/Journals and Lecture Notes
Another technology option that is becoming popular is Evernote but it works best in a one-to-one environment.
Personally I am a fan of composition books and feel they can be used for everything students do in class. Notes, labs, diagrams, reflections, formative assessments, etc can all be integrated into the journal.
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