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Mon, Jan 23, 2023 2:32 PM in Core and PPR Exams
Hello Valeria,
I completely understand why you are nervous. I found that the hardest thing when it came to studying for the core was understanding exactly what I needed to work on and what would be the best method. If you like interactive models I would recommend 240 tutoring,, and certify teacher. There are also physical books if you feel like you need physical materials...
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Mon, Jan 23, 2023 1:45 PM in SPED Science
Hello, I am a junior two semesters away from my clinical teaching. My major is interdisciplinary studies with a special education certification. I have seen many great recommendations on integrating science into classrooms but I was hoping to get insight into how I could do so in a special education setting. I have read up on the different accommodation methods that could work but it all seems da...
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