Strategies for ELL Success
Sun, Nov 26, 2017 8:47 PM
This article was very resourceful. I liked how the article was organized it made it easy for me to read and follow though. The author discusses about engage and how the teacher gives the students examples of a concept making a connection to real life experiences. Explore gives the students an opportunity to be active part in the class lesson. I always knew about introducing words at the beginning, but the author here says you can introduce words in the middle. The author explains methods on how to use inquiry and gives you step by step. One in particle like was the pre-assessment how the students can work into groups on an inquiry char in pairs. You can do this instead of doing it class. This article is a great resource for you to make your science classroom exciting because the author provides the reader with great ideas that you can apply and learn from. The author is very knowledgeable about what she is talking about in the information she is talking about it applies mostly to elementary and middle age students. I do believe that some of these ideas can be use for high school if you modify some ideas into an inquiry where they can investigate something.