Fri, Dec 02, 2022 11:24 PM in How can I make science experiments more stimulating
Hello Cesareo. I have done a lot of hands on activitys with my students to make it more stimulating. I fell that when students use there hands that they can understand the activite a lot better.
Raegan Barrett
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Sat, Nov 05, 2022 12:30 AM in Remote Learning vs. Traditional Learning
Hi Raquel. I also struggled with this a lot with once going back to traditional classroom setting. The one thing that realy helped me since all my professors have power points and sent it to use I would have them up on my lap-top. Then I would also take notes on my ipad. I also brought things that could keep me distracted (fidget pins or stress balls) but also still engaged in the classroom.
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Fri, Nov 04, 2022 11:21 PM in Early Childhood
Hi Dianey. I am student at Wartburg College studying Elementry Education. Books, viedeos, and hands are all great options. The only thing that I would say is if they are watching a viedo is to make sure that it is not to long because they might get board fast if it is to long. Students also that are younder get very engage and excited with things that are hands-on when it come to science.
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