Mon, Dec 09, 2024 5:06 PM
Science Notebook Benefits
Recently, I was in an 8th grade science classroom that utilized science journals. I will say this is a very useful resource for students. There notebooks consisted of handouts that would be cut and glued into notebooks, then students would complete the work within their journals. The journals stayed in the classroom, in an organized manner- based on table groups- and ensured the students would not lose them, or leave them at home. It kept students organized, there were no loose papers to look for, and ensured all students had the same resources when referring back to their journals. However, I do deduct one point for the loss of instructional time when cutting and gluing the handouts into the journals, but I still think it is a valuable resource for students because it keeps them organized, neat, and prompts to the questions and directions are previously typed on the worksheet so the students do not have to do that as well.