Carolina Biological OSE - August 2024p2
  • Matt O'Brien

    Matt O'Brien
    Lahainaluna High School

My NSTA / Peers / Matt O'Brien

I've lived on Maui since 2005. Work at Lahainaluna High School. I teach science including zoology, environmental science, and biology. So fun.

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    5 Valuable Science Resources

    NGSS Professional Learning Through the NSTA Website, 2020-2021 / Public Resource Collection 1. NASA.GOV- Everything fom Earth to Space and beyond. From global weather and satellite imagery. 2. NOAA.GOV- Study global warming from evidence to effects. 3. Ck-12.COM- Provides most any science topic with a Reading, video, summary, review, quiz and extension learning sites. 4. Inro science topics using Amoeba Sisters (biology), or other 3 minute clip summarizing the days topic, catches students attention. 5. Physical Science investigations into the EM Spectrum, dives into each frequencies technical value for human use.

    Next generation science standards core ideas: Ecosystems: interactions, energy, and dynamics

    Matt O’Brien Reflection #2 Next generation science standards core ideas: Ecosystems: interactions, energy, and dynamics. The presenters in this video discussed performance expectations as related to NGSS. They discussed how by combining different scientific practices, core ideas, crosscutting concepts into a single statement of what is to be assessed. They also gave some instructional strategies by displaying objectives for lessons through the use of graphic organizers, showing the relationship between energy pools, and how these affect an ecosystem and the balance of organisms within the ecosystem. I have sometimes struggled with the idea of how to best approach a concept in my science class, to where the students can truly appreciate the subject matter and best learn the intent of the standard. Using diagrams, such as graphic organizers can help students understand and appreciate complex concepts, such as ecosystems and energy flows within an ecosystem. The presenters b

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