Hi all! My name is Makenzie Smith and I am a college student who is looking forward to being an elementary teacher in the near future. I have had lots of experience working in an elementary classroom because my mother is a first grade teacher. I have a passion for helping people strive to be the best they can be and I look forward to instilling that passion into the hearts of my students someday!
Tue, Jan 12, 2016 2:12 PM in Gardening at school with young children
Gardening is a great activity to do with your students. I definitely urge you to get a garden started with your students. I had a teacher in elementary school that had our class create a garden and it was one of the best experiences I had. It did way more than just teach me about nature, it instilled in me responsibility and confidence. I am not the right person to tell you at what point in the ye...
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