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Sun, Sep 09, 2018 3:49 PM in Science Notebooks
I am currently a student and am learning about how science notebooks can be beneficial for students in one of my courses. I think that science notebooks are a great tool for kids because it allows them to take ownership of their work and ideas. In the notebook, they can keep track of their hypothesis, record data, and evaluate results. They can also easily compare their data and evidence with ind...
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Sun, Sep 09, 2018 3:35 PM in STEM in Younger Grades
Hello, I am currently a student majoring in education with a focus in STEM. I am taking my first STEM class this semester and am learning so much about how beneficial it is for students and the importance of integrating it into the classroom. However, I find that most of the activities we do in that class would be too difficult for K-2 students to execute without teacher intervention. Does anyone...
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