Sun, Sep 20, 2020 11:32 AM in Speed Phenomena Lesson
You can do something as simple as having them slow walk, then normal walk, then jog, then run. You can ask them what the difference between the 4 things were. Which one would be the one to use if you wanted to get somewhere fast? Which one would take the longest? etc. Talk about energy and speed (more energy, more speed)
For online teaching you can have them stand up and do each of t...
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Mon, Aug 31, 2020 10:37 AM in Earth and its' Seasons
A good hands on activity is to have a minimum of 4, max of 8 blow up globes. Black out the room, with only a lamp in the middle /no shade. Have a north star point so that the north pole points in that direction (have it be approx imately at the level to the Earth's axis has a tilt). Have 4 X's on the floor where students would stand with the globes with the north pole pointing towar...
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Mon, Aug 31, 2020 10:29 AM in Earth and Space
Black out the windows and shut off the lights. Have a lamp in the middle of the room with no shade (this is the sun). Hot glue a ping pong ball to a golf tee and have the students circle up around the light. The students are the Earth, the ping pong ball is the moon. Have students start facing the light with their arms extended straight out, slightly higher than their heads. They can see no light...
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