Sat, Apr 25, 2015 6:38 PM in Ipads and other technology
We live in a technology rich society and age. Incorporating iPads in the lessons would be a phenomenal idea. I understand that you're worried that the students will get distracted and go off somewhere else while using the iPad as an educational tool. However, it is important to note that students will get distracted and wander off whether you're using an iPad, computer, or textbook. These things c...
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Tue, Apr 07, 2015 9:51 PM in How to foster creativity in the classroom?
As a pre-service teacher, my experience in observing science lessons has been limited to a very structured approach. One in which students are instructed to do point A to get to point B. They are told what to do and what results they should be getting. They are all using the scientific method. I see creativity dying in our schools, especially in STEM fields. While I understand that these subjects ...
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