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Recent Reviews by Marisa
Tue, Mar 30, 2021 9:35 PM
Resources and Human Impact
I felt this E-book was very informal and helped me to learn more about the impact we have on the environment around us and how we can help protect the environment. This E-book would be very helpful in teaching students about the impacts of what we do as humans , can affect nature and animals. Each of the topics presented in the E-book is interesting and would help engage students. The E-book is easy to navigate and provides interactive elements that would help to teach students. There are many opportunities for assessment throughout the E-book that can allow students to check their understanding as they work through the E-book. The self checks help prepare you for the final assessment. As a future teacher, I hope to only provide my students with materials I have tested and find will engage them as learners. This E-book would be a resource I would most likely use in a classroom setting to teach students about the resources and the human impact. I think this is a great E-book that will engage students while also teaching them valuable content.
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