Wed, Dec 08, 2021 1:06 PM
Excellent and helpful resource!
I read this interactive e-book, and I found it to be very helpful! I was able to use this while planning a second grade lesson plan related to the butterfly life cycle. It was very useful, as it had extremely informative content that I could implement in my lesson plan and use to help guide my lesson. There was also a good amount of interactive components included throughout this resource. This e-book was very easy to nativagate, and I was able to learn a lot about ecosystems that helped me effectively develop and informative and interactive lesson for second grade. As a junior in college, I found this to be a very useful resource as it gave me a good refresher on content that I haven't been exposed to in a while, and I was even able to develop new understandings related to the interdependence of species and ecosystems. There were so many important topics that were explored throughout this resource, and though it was filled with informative content it was also visually appealing and interactive which made it much more engaging, motivating and interesting to read through. I would highly recommend this resource, and I hope others can find it as helpful as I did!