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Recent Reviews by Alexis

Once Upon an Earth Science Book: 12 Interdisciplinary Activities to Create Confident Readers
Wed, Sep 07, 2016 4:39 PM
Content: 5 stars; Usability: 3 stars
I got this book on Friday and used it the following Monday--the lesson ideas are great and applicable to Earth and Environmental Science. They are straightforward and very easy to implement. However, the student pages are insets...meaning that if you want to copy them from the book (really your only option unless you want to retype them...which I actually did for one!), there are two inch margins on each side and the inset area where the reading is has a gray background. I was hoping there was maybe a section with actual student handouts, but no, there's not. It's very frustrating. One reading in particular turns out to be three pages because the extra six lines get pushed onto page three. Making the pages a normal size would prevent this and allow me to use fewer sheets of paper to print it out! The handout I ended up retyping was one that had space for student writing, but the space was no where near big enough because of the size of the inset.
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