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Recent Public Collections by Heather
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Recent Posts by Heather
Tue, Feb 22, 2022 11:59 AM in Fun in the Classroom - Interactive/ Hands On
I believe that your past experience can truly come in handy for those hands-on projects! I think it would be great to incoporate your experience in the plant industry into the classes lessons. I would definitely incorporate science experiments into your daily lessons, if applicable. Most students fail to learn just by reading out of the textbook. For example, if you are teaching about plant growt...
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Tue, Feb 22, 2022 11:49 AM in Fun Ways to Incorporate Hands On Learning in Science Lessons
Any ideas on incorporating hands on learning for a third grade class involving the solar system?
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- Reviews
Recent Reviews by Heather
Sun, Mar 06, 2022 5:52 PM
Extremely Informative
I found this interactive resource to be incredibly informative. I believe that by providing useful resources with each section, allows the learner the ability to learn real-life examples. I did have a few times where some of the external links did not want to operate correctly, but once I refreshed the page, they would work without fail. I believe that students could greatly benefit from the information that is provided as well as the extra information and hands-on activities available in each section. The quizzes at the end of the sections provide the learner with an opportunity to test their knowledge. I believe that this comes in handy when you are working on the final assessment. I also believe that the final assessment should provide which questions you were incorrect on, so that you can better understand your answers.
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