Fri, May 01, 2015 6:59 PM in Including Parents
The app Edmodo is a great resource to stay connected to parents and keep them involved in their child's learning. They can check in whenever they want and see the assignments, work, or any classroom discussion. It creates an easy and open line of communication between the student, teacher, and parents.
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Fri, May 01, 2015 6:59 PM in Including Parents
The app Edmodo is a great resource to stay connected to parents and keep them involved in their child's learning. They can check in whenever they want and see the assignments, work, or any classroom discussion. It creates an easy and open line of communication between the student, teacher, and parents.
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Fri, May 01, 2015 6:56 PM in Confidence when teaching science
I think if you go in with the attitude of maybe it will go great, maybe it won't and if it doesn't that's okay because 1. kids are forgiving and 2. you will literally have hundreds and hundreds of other chances. I've found that confidence is key and you just gotta fake it to you make it(really know what you're doing).
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