Fri, Dec 21, 2012 2:33 PM in Researched Based Class
I agree that I like the idea of research, but it needs to be structured. My sophomores are in "Houses" (same students in the core subjects) and we work on a Genetics research project in our third quarter. I teach the science aspect of it, while the Language Arts teacher works on the research paper- the students pick a mutation topic (that we've narrowed down to a list) and write a structured resea...
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Thu, Nov 01, 2012 4:50 PM in Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
Hi Dorothy-
I'm not sure if he's teaching- I know he was teaching regular bio and AP Bio.
Yes, I've been very successful in my AP Biology course in "flipping" he classroom; assigning students to watch the videos as a review and having them take notes, then talking about the concepts in class. It also is something I plan for my Honors Bio course- especially since for the Common Core, they'l...
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Wed, Oct 31, 2012 9:12 PM in Bacteria Labs Anyone?
Winogradsky columns sound very interesting- thanks for sharing!
Please be careful about allowing students to swab areas and culturing them. Last year we had a State Safety officer speak to our teachers about Biohazard training and it was advised that we not do anymore "mystery microbe" labs. I used to do it in AP Biology- let the students swab an area then see how effective household cleaners ...
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