Mon, Apr 23, 2012 10:29 PM in Helping Elementary Teachers Embrace Inquiry
Hi Kathy,
In response to using the words prediction and hypothesis, I interchange these words. Hummm...I may be wrong in doing so. So if I am, please let me know!!! I believe that the students need to be exposed to the different expressions of the words we use in science inquiry (or any other subject): prediction, hypothesis, educated guess, what might happen if...?. If we expose our student...
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Fri, Apr 20, 2012 5:00 AM in Helping Elementary Teachers Embrace Inquiry
I agree. I think it is important for students to be able to distinguish between questions they can discover the answer to through experimentation. I also believe that all questions that are asked, are valid. If questions that are asked can't be discovered through experimentation, they are then investigated through other avenues. I have students use their science text to investigate possible sol...
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Mon, Apr 09, 2012 4:06 AM in Composting
In the past, I've done vermicomposting with 2nd and 3rd graders in 8-12 inch bins. We would keep a log of what was put into the bin each time it was filled. After the end of each quarter, we would harvest the fertilizer, weigh it and bag it. We tracked the amount of what went in, the length of time it took to decompose, and the weight of the fertilizer harvested. The fertilizer is very rich an...
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