Tue, Nov 24, 2015 11:48 AM in Weather and Elementary
For young elementary school students, I would bring them to the carpet every morning as part of our morning routine. Apart from briefly discussing the day of the week (i.e. learning about the calendar daily), I would also talk about what the daily weather is like. Is it rainy? Cloudy? Sunny? Windy? I would keep a separate calendar to keep track of our observations so we could later study weather p...
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Tue, Nov 24, 2015 11:39 AM in Outdoor Activities
I want to build on Ms. Ngo's idea on observing and describing the leaves students find outdoors. In addition, you could integrate art into the lesson by having students either sketch what the leaves they collected look like or you can have students make simple prints of leaves onto paper. These works of art can be posted into their science journals or displayed in your classroom!
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Tue, Nov 24, 2015 11:20 AM in Teaching Science to Kindergarten in a Short Time Frame
The school district I have been placed at to student teach also allots about 20 minutes for science teaching three days per week. The other two days are for teaching social studies. I have read some posts other users have posted here and they have been very helpful. I would love to integrate science content in reading and writing. I would definitely integrate science topics when introducing non-fi...
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