Sun, May 03, 2020 7:11 PM in Effective Science Teacher
This was my first year teaching. I was a research scientist before teaching. I love science and I love sharing what I know but the great thing about science is it's okay to not to have all the answers. My background is in neuroscience and genetics and I'm teaching 7th grade integrated science. Many times the questions students ask me I don't know and I make sure to hon...
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Sun, May 03, 2020 7:03 PM in Science Fun for Students
One of the activites I found that my students liked the most (even the ones who don't like science) was building roller coasters. We watched roller coaster POV videos as the hook of the lesson. We talked about the science concepts and then we built them. They loved it. I gave out small prizes for the coolest name, highest hill, most creative, and class favorite. I try to find activities that ...
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Sun, May 03, 2020 6:48 PM in Teaching Reading and Writing
In my classroom I like to give articles on current events that match the content we are learning. I try to do this once every two weeks. I always require a writing assignment when we do this. Some times I have the students write an arguement on whethere they think the results in the article are valid or what experiment they could do to further the research. This gives them a chance to think criti...
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