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Visualizing Science Using the Roundhouse Diagram
Fri, Dec 19, 2014 12:45 PM
A Unique Graphic Organizer
Graphic organizers have always been used to summarize important concepts and make learning more organized. This article utilizes a particular one called the Roundhouse. This article provides the template for this diagram, examples of how it is used and a complete explanation of the parts and the interrelationship between them. There is also a mastery checklist for this particular tool. It seems like a great idea for elementary students and could also be applied to middle school students as well.
Visualizing NeuroscienceL Learning about the Brain through Art
Fri, Dec 19, 2014 12:32 PM
Art and Science Through Model Making
Students use art and the creation of models to understand how the brain works. Using models is not a new concept and making a physical model engages a different aspect of our brains. This activity is laid out and there is a rubric for assessing. Some educators don’t like to make models because it is time consuming and requires supplies and space. One has to keep in mind that doing is not just engaging in experiments and that we often remember when we do something different.
Visual Literacy in Science
Fri, Dec 19, 2014 12:25 PM
It Is An Essential Skill to Hone
Humans use their eyes above their other senses about 80 percent of the time. Sight helps us gather information quickly so this article is a no-brainer. The techniques and tools listed in this article will make any student excel in understanding the graphics in their textbooks and rely less on the words on the page. Having used similar activities in my classroom for years, my students improved their observational skills and developed a deeper ability to critically interpret information presented to them.
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