Thu, Oct 12, 2017 8:30 AM in Motion simulations for students.
Can you be more specific about what phenomena or concept(s) you are
investigating with the simulation?
If your school uses NGSS, if you go to the NGSS@NSTA website, click on
standards, then school, then choose a group you are interested in and
scroll down to the bottom of the page there will be curated resources
specific to that standard. Many of these are simulations, some are ...
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Tue, Jul 26, 2011 9:37 PM in Angry Birds
Thanks for sharing the link to the article, I think that taking snippets of video from the game you could use a video analysis program like Logger Pro to analyze the motion of each type of bird, see if the acceleration of gravity is constant between birds, see if energy is lost when a bird drops an egg or splits, or other such things. Once your students assemble a series of good clips there are lo...
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