Tue, Apr 16, 2019 3:42 PM in Safety Rules in the Classroom
I fully agree safety is so important in a science classroom! I make an effort to incorporate these safety rules within my lesson plans to make sure I don't forget to teach my students the correct way to safely conduct experiments! I recently taught a lesson on the patterns of the sun and moon, one of the safety concerns I almost forgot to include was to tell students not to look directly at t...
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Tue, Apr 16, 2019 3:32 PM in STEM in my classroom
Hi Nicole,
We just had a guest speaker talking about STEM in my science methods course. It was great to learn how "play time" for students is often them working with STEM. It's great to incorporate play with STEM because the students don't know how much they are actually learning and the amount of problem solving skills they are creating. Interactive centers are a great way t...
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Tue, Apr 16, 2019 3:26 PM in Integrating Science & Writing
Hi Carina,
As a pre-service teacher at UNI, we have been working on integrated curriculum. The other day in class, we were given a mystery to investigate the possible scenarios that caused the death of a man. After being given the story, students were asked to write what they think may have happened by providing evidence, reasoning, qualifiers, claims, and rebuttals. This is an activity that w...
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