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Below I have attached resources that have helped expand my knowledge on how to create and utilize a "KLEWS" chart throughout the duration of a lesson/unit
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Recent Reviews by Kailee
Saving Pelicans: A STEM Integration Unit
Thu, May 07, 2020 11:55 AM
I think this lesson provides a STEM-based framework throughout a series of six lessons. I liked how the authors explained the integration of STEM throughout multiple activities and how it elevated student learning and understanding. I think this lesson could have integrated art...which would then be a STEAM-based lesson but overall the outcome was having students start problem-solving and thinking like a scientist. This middle-school ecology unit integrated STEM effectively through the anchoring phenomenon of the pelican.
Thu, Apr 30, 2020 2:36 PM
I found this resource especially useful as I am an elementary/middle-level preservice teacher at the University of Northern Iowa with a basic science minor. Through schooling, I have learned the term inquiry in science and was able to reflect on my past experience with science in the classroom. Inquiry-based learning is an essential part of the science curriculum as it allows for and harnesses curiousity and wonder, problem-solving, and higher-order thinking skills. Through my methods course I am taking right now, I have really been learning about other types of instructional methods as Inquiry fits in with Science and Engineering practices for NGSS. I think science is an important subject that many elementary skills overlook, however, the process of learning and gaining skills through scientific processes and research actually is interdisciplinary and can positively contribute across the curriculum.
Thu, Apr 30, 2020 2:29 PM
Lesson Review
I utilized this lesson when writing a mini-unit for my preservice work. I especially liked that it incorporated the 5E learning phases and also had an extension involving KLEWS. I think this lesson is very interactive for students to engage to elevate their understanding of solar and lunar eclipses. This lesson was very useful and I saved it to my collection for future use. I would recommend this in any teaching of the phenonemon of eclipses or if trying to get an idea of how to set-up a 5E lesson with KLEWS.
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