Tue, Apr 12, 2016 1:47 AM in Getting girls involved in Science
This is such an important topic!
As a female myself, i do not recall ever enjoying science very much. I think all students should be encouraged to participate in the class and be given hands on activities. Hands on activities always encourage participation and kind of force the students to delve into science. Once they're completing the activities, they end up enjoying and learning science.
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Tue, Apr 12, 2016 1:37 AM in Phases of the Moon
Observation is definitely a great way to start and i also suggest having the students observe the moon before you actually teach the content. Also, it would help to have the students create a foldable with the different phases of the moon that they can put in their science journals or keep for future reference. I'd also incorporate a brain pop video to help them see how the moon orbits around the ...
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Tue, Apr 12, 2016 1:34 AM in Lunar Cycle
The moon has various phases, it takes about 14 days for the moon to go from the New Moon stage to the Full moon stage. One full cycle is about 28 days. The phases start with the new moon (seeing nothing in the sky) and wax (get bigger) until they get to the full moon and then wane (get smaller) to go back to the new moon phase. Other phases of the moon are the crescent, gibbous, and quarter moon.
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