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Recent Reviews by Marilyn
Coral Reef Ecosystems
Sat, Feb 20, 2016 10:36 PM
I purchased this e-book because I didn't know a lot about coral reef ecosystems and wanted to understand them so that I could be more prepared to teach my students. From the moment I opened the e-book I was captivated by the stunning images, videos, interactive examples, and opportunities to check my learning. Each page contained just enough information for me to process without being overwhelming. The e-book was easy to navigate, which allowed me to easily jump from one topic to another based on my interest level. I love that I was able to listen to the text, as well as highlight important ideas, add notes, and bookmark pages. All of these annotations were saved so that I can access them in the future. This e-book has helped me learn a great deal about coral reef ecosystems and I am excited to share what I have learned with my students. This purchase was money well spent and I can't wait to read my next e-book, Atomic Structure.
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