Wed, Mar 23, 2016 10:57 AM in Science Safety
I believe that at the beginning of the school year the students should be told the general safety rules. They should already know these rules but it is always helpful to review the most important rules. Before specific assignments and experiments the students should be told the exact procedures they are expected to follow. This will allow the students to have the information fresh in their minds. ...
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Wed, Mar 23, 2016 10:51 AM in Science Notebook
I agree! I think science notebooks are an essential part of the class. Students use this notebooks for their notes, experiments, observations, data collections, and reflections. They have these notebooks that they could look back on and review what was previously learned. Some teachers actually get very creative with these journals. Students do enjoy having a science notebook and adding informatio...
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Wed, Mar 23, 2016 10:42 AM in Gardening in the Classroom
I believe that gardening in the classroom or even the school is a great idea for children. As you said, they are very interested in the topic. They love the idea of watching grow over time and seeing the changes. Students can learn a lot from this process. You can incorporate lessons about plant parts and their jobs such as making the food for the plant. Something else to consider is planting vege...
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