Thu, May 09, 2019 3:03 PM in Recycling ideas to implement in the classroom
Hi Lucy, I think it's great that you are getting your kids interested in recycling. You said that the school isn't a huge supporter of recycling, but I know that in the past I have learned about how if done right recycling programs can actually help schools save money. I think that if you get your students to research this topic and you help present it to your school. Your student could h...
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Thu, May 09, 2019 2:51 PM in First Day of School Science Activities
Hi Lauren, congratulations on getting your own classroom! I still remember when we got to chemical reactions my middle school science teacher demonstrated to us how it can look by setting some type of gas that was mixed with water to form bubbles on fire. The special thing about this was that it was held in his hand! Now I understand that most of us don't want to start a fire in our classroom...
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Thu, May 09, 2019 2:29 PM in Keeping Students Engaged
A guest speaker in my Science Method's class talked about how the act of play in the classroom is a great way to help introduce a topic. What I mean by this is that you can have the student play with stations that push them to think critically about whatever lesson you are on. The great thing about this is that for the most part, the students don't realize that they are learning and just ...
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