Favorite Demonstration: The Cell Organelle Pageant
Sat, Nov 23, 2013 11:21 PM
Absolutely worthwhile activity!
I included this activity as part of my Cells unit for 7th grade Life Science students...the students loved it! The provided rubric can easily be modified to meet the needs of the class, or used as is. I teach 6 sections of Life Science, and all 6 sections were enthusiastic and excited to participate. This lesson is also wonderful for guest visitors to observe! We made the activity a two-day event, with day 1 dedicated to research, creation of the glamor shout, and writing the speech. Day 2 was the actual pageant. I did allow the students to vote for themselves, and was very happy to see that they did indeed vote for the best organelle, and not just their own. This activity can be used as an authentic assessment and is a wonderful way help all students shine!