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Wed, Apr 15, 2020 9:05 PM in Implementing science
I am also a student in college and have been in many different classrooms in which I saw teachers using scripted lessons. Since joining NSTA, I have learned and seen many different ways to make science more fun and engaging for students, in which they can learn at a deeper level. I've found, personally, that it's better for the students and for the teacher if they lesson is written, inste...
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Wed, Apr 15, 2020 8:44 PM in Tips to Integrate
There are many different ways that other subjects can be intergrated into a science lesson. Some subjects are eaiser to intergrate, especially depending on the science unit. I've written many different lesson plans, including science lessons. I've written a physical science lesson for two and three year olds and modified it for preschoolers but it was a lesson of investigstions on maracas...
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Recent Reviews by Lexis
Wed, Apr 22, 2020 4:40 PM
Great Insights!
Being an early childhood major, I had never really thought about using engineering experiences in my future classroom but after reading this article, I have gained a new insight. I really liked that the article explained how and why engineering should be in our early childhood classrooms. Engineering experiences allow students to use their natural curiosity and thinking skills to solve a problem or make a plan. The author explained specific ways engineering could be integrated and it was very helpful to have a better understanding how the practices could be used with young children.
Wed, Apr 22, 2020 4:32 PM
Well Written Argument!
I definitely agree that there needs to be a change in classrooms and make a new norm. Rather than seeing students has a score or number, I like that the author encouraged educators to celebrate the growths and achievements that students make. It can be difficult to not look at the score but it is important to look at all of the information the students are giving you in order to differentiate the instruction. I think this article and argument brought some very real and accurate arguments to reflect on.
Wed, Apr 22, 2020 4:24 PM
Great Explanations and Examples!
I really liked that this article encourage cross-curricular in preschool, but also how to plan and integrate it without the lesson feeling overwhelming. This article gave a lot of different examples of how other disciplines can be integrated into a science lesson and how those integrations can give students an overall better understanding of the lesson or unit. I also really liked that the author included an actual lesson plan that has those integrations and how she implemented them. I think that it makes it easier to understand and have a better grasp, when I am able to see the actual lesson and how the cross-curricular planning is put into a lesson.
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