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Recent Reviews by Cindy
Beyond Paper and Pencil Assessments
Sun, Oct 05, 2014 1:37 PM
Beyond Paper and Pencil
The focus of this article is the project of moving beyond a standard test to allow students to be graded and tested by behaving like scientist. The tasks given to students should allow the students to ask, explore, and generate answers like a scientist. The project was integrating assessments to support an inquiry based instruction classroom. Main focus was on using rubrics to evaluate a student’s evidence of learning, depth of knowledge, communication skills, and presentation. The ending result needing more anchor papers to guide assessment of the rubric and creating a rubric that is more students friendly.
This idea would work great in the kindergarten classroom using a more simplified rubric for the learning objective. Students would then know the expectations and include as much as they know in the end product or investigation. Showing and communicating what you have learned is the direction of verbal, written, and explorative knowledge. I believe this process creates thinkers and plan to incorporate more rubric learning opportunities in my classroom.
Methods and Strategies: Alternative Assessments for English Language Learners
Sun, Oct 05, 2014 1:11 PM
Differentiated Assessment
After reading the article, Alternative Assessments for English Language Learners, I was excited to think of a different way to assess the ELL cluster in my classroom. The article explains that using drawings as an assessment tool throughout the year can show improvement in student’s learning of a science topic. The idea of drawings as the assessment tool allows the student to show what they know without being fluent in English.
I also loved the rubric layout and allowing the student to be knowledgeable in the contents of the rubric. Students can strive to become stronger learners with each assessment by increasing the depth of knowledge in their product. The expectation in the rubric are clearly defined and can be used for other topics in kindergarten science such as the parts of a plant. Knowing the rubric expectations allows the ELL learner to take “ownership of their learning”. I definitely plan to use this assessment strategy in my kindergarten classroom!
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