Sun, Apr 15, 2018 10:35 PM in Amount of time for science in the classroom
Hello Miranda! I am currently teaching at a title one school where science is not as prioritized as reading and writing. Of course, my school is 90% Hispanic, in order for students to learn science they need to read and write. But I also find my students asking me science questions because sometimes the things they read in school makes them curious. I am currently a writing teacher so I try to inc...
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Sun, Apr 15, 2018 10:31 PM in Food Chains
Hello! I am currently planning a lesson on food webs and it sort of implements food chains. A hands-on activity that I am doing is the Pass the Yarn game. I give each student a different card for example, I give one student a Sun, another student Grass, Deer, Lion, etc. I have the student with the sun hold the ball first. Then I ask the student, who needs the energy? The student will then toss the...
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Sun, Apr 15, 2018 10:26 PM in 5E lesson plan
Hello Julissa! At first, I was intimidated of the 5E lesson plan because it was not what I was used to, but once I started playing around with it, it made planning a science lesson so much easier for me! Everything just flowed more effortlessly and each step had a meaning and purpose behind it. Personally I loved the creativity that goes into engagement and also how the students could investigate ...
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