Tue, Dec 10, 2019 9:44 PM in Introduction to Safety in Science
When doing certain activities, safety should be the main important aspect. In order to make sure that safety willl be ensured in the classroom, you must first set expectations for your students before beginning the activity and then set them up somewhere in the room so the students can refer back to them if needed throughout the activity and other times. Sometimes it's benefical to show your ...
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Tue, Dec 10, 2019 9:08 PM in clasrrom management
When that happens, pulling the students back together and reminding them of the expectations that you had set with them before they started their lesson can help you have better management in the classroom. You could also point out those students who are doing their work quietly and then maybe the other students will want to act like them, and that could calm down the craziness in the classroom
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Tue, Dec 10, 2019 8:31 PM in Engaging Students
I would say that giving the students some form of phenomena would be a great attention getter. When we do Science lessons for our PDS, we create some form of phenomena that will get the students hooked right away and then build off of that. Another way to engage them would be bring up previous material that they have already learned and get them engaged that way.
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