Wed, Apr 29, 2020 11:08 AM in Keeping Students Engaged
Thank you to everyone that commented! I love a lot of these ideas, and as a future educator, I'm glad to get some insight and ideas from current, past, and future teachers!
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Wed, Apr 29, 2020 11:00 AM in STEM programs
There are a lot of great ideas in the comments, which are great for students persuing their education degree and want to know more about using STEM in their classroom (like me!). I appreciate everyone's input and I hope to use some of your ideas in the future!
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Wed, Apr 29, 2020 10:56 AM in Keeping science lab notebooks
I think interactive science notebooks are the best way to go! I was a student who didn't love science, but I loved to color and draw, so I would personalize things like my own science notebook to make it more my own! I think it works well with students being able to make it a little unique based on their personality, and they feel like they got some say in how it looks. Hope this helps!
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