Thu, Feb 06, 2014 1:26 AM in Relationships with students
As a student teacher, I'm struggling to build relationships with students. My background is in academic research and I find myself speaking and acting too formally with students. I'm doing lunchroom duty to interact with students in another setting outside of the classroom. I'm enjoying it and trying to emulate the other teachers and staff that monitor the lunchroom. I feel like I'm having ver...
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Thu, Feb 06, 2014 1:16 AM in Managing Potentially Dangerous Behavior
Last week a student in my class was unusually badly behaved. I redirected him away from playing with scissors several times because I was afraid he might hurt someone with them. My attempts to reprimand him or discipline him were ineffective; he refused to respond when I confronted him about his behavior. I realized later after talking to my mentor that he had not taken his ADHD medication. My ...
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Thu, Feb 06, 2014 1:10 AM in Reteaching
Thank you all for your comments. They helped to clarify the major flaw in my lesson. I didn't really have a clear learning goal, as the directive to have the students create a bulletin board came from our administration. I took the assigned activity and tried to teach it without really considering its purpose. Clarifying the goals with the administration or with other teachers would really help...
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