Carolina Biological-Smithsonian-October 2024
  • Nicole Anthony

    Nicole Anthony


My NSTA / Peers / Nicole Anthony

I am achieving my double eagle from Georgia Southern University. I graduated in 2016 with a degree in biology and currently working towards getting my masters in teaching. I spent my time in between mt undergrad and masters pursuing marine biology and environmental education. I worked in the Florida Keys as a science teacher at a marine biology camp teaching animal behavior. Most recently I was an environmental educator at the 4H center on Tybee Island, teaching students from around the state of Georgia about their coastal environment.


Forum Posts 24 Public Collections 1 Reviews 0

Activity Points

This month 0 This year 0 All Time 702

Badges Earned
Onyx Commenter Pearl Commenter NSTA Resource Activator NSTA Resource Optimizer NSTA Resource Accelerator
Onyx NSTA 75th Anniversary Pearl NSTA 75th Anniversary Ruby NSTA 75th Anniversary