Thu, Oct 20, 2011 10:23 AM in Making Science FUN!
I don't remember much from science before high school. I do remember the celery in colored water activity, making a model solar system, and sitting through lectures on earth science. Other than that, I'm drawing blanks. That's not to say that I didn't have great science teachers, but the memories haven't stuck with me.
I love science, and I hope my interest in it translates to engaging...
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Thu, Oct 13, 2011 12:24 PM in Halloween Leesson Plans
Thanks for all of the great ideas! My mentor teacher just had a math lesson that involved choosing the best tools to measure the circumference of various pumpkins. You would not believe how excited these 5th graders were to work with pumpkins! They were so motivated to do the assignment. I am all for using these novel ideas to get them engaged.
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Thu, Oct 06, 2011 9:55 AM in What's Happening and/or Should Be Happening with STEM in Elementary Schools
I am doing my student internship at an elementary school that is focused on STEM. The school recognizes that waiting until middle school is too late. It's still early in the year, and I'm only there one day per week, but I have seen a couple of examples of how they are trying to integrate STEM throughout the curriculum. On the first day of school the teacher had the students work on building tower...
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