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Tue, Apr 12, 2016 8:28 AM in Gardening in the Classroom
I think that would be an awesome class activity. I have seen students in a science class have their own little plant in a cup that they keep by the window. The students began to get into the routine of checking their plants in the morning and watering them. They would draw the progress of their little plants in their science journal every other day. They really enjoyed having their own to watch an...
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Tue, Apr 12, 2016 8:26 AM in Classroom Management
I think that classroom management while conducting experiments is established before the experiments even begin. Rules, procedures and safety guidelines should be established in the beginning of the school year. Have students practice the procedures and make it a routine for them so that they know what to expect when actually conducting their experiments.
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Tue, Apr 12, 2016 8:23 AM in Phases of the Moon
The moon phases can be confusing for students to grasp sometimes. I think a good way to introduce the phases of the moon would be to have students either draw the moon every night in the science journals for about two weeks or they have apps that allow you to track the phases of the moon as well. With the app you can put in a specific date and an image of the moon will appear. I think this would e...
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